Has Lic.Sc (2014) and MSc (2016) degrees in physics from the Federal University of Piaui, Brazil. During this time, worked on the condensed matter physics field, studying phase transitions on two-dimensional systems. Ph.D., (2016-2020) in physics from Federal University of Ceara, Brazil. His thesis was focused on the study of structural phase transitions and in the lattice anharmonicity effects on multiferroic compounds and halide-like-perovskites structures under high-pressure/low temperature conditions through X-Ray diffraction (laboratory equipment, synchrotron, and single crystal), Raman spectroscopy. Currently is a postdoctoral research fellow in the group of Professor Isaac F. Silvera at the Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University. His research focuses on studying the properties of metallic hydrogen and its isotopes as well as hydrogen-rich superconductor compounds at high-pressure conditions (multi-megabar pressure region).
graduation at Física from Universidade Federal do Piauí (2014) and master's at Física from Universidade Federal do Piauí (2016). Has experience in Physics, focusing on Physics, acting on the following subjects: random structures, packing of hard discs and wigner-seitz cells.