Degree in Veterinary Medicine at Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (1982), Master in Bovine Pathology, by FMVZ-USP (1988) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the School of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (TiHo), Germany (1995). Since 1985 is Scientific Researcher at the Instituto Biológico, Center for Research and Development of Animal Health in the interest areas: Animal Health (Sanitary Programs), Infectious Animals Diseases and Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Also have occupying several positions of leadership and, actually, as Advisor, Diagnostic Virology, post.5436, P-4, at the PANAFTOSA OIE Reference Laboratories for Foot and mouth disease, Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Have experience in the following topics: viruses of cattle, differential diagnosis of vesicular diseases, development and improvement of molecular and serological diagnostic techniques, molecular epidemiology and surveillance and monitoring animal health production. Have published more than 60 scientific papers and author of several chapters of book in these areas. Has a strong role in training and qualification of staff and since 2007 teaches in the postgraduate course in Sanitary, Food Safety and Environmental in Agribusiness, the Instituto Biológico, in this period guided more than 20 theses and dissertations. Have participating as a Member of several Comissions, Commitees and Councils in Animal Health (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil/MAPA, Secretary of Agriculture, Council of Veterinary Medicine of São Paulo, Universities, Asseblies industries) including BSE Commitees and Sanitary Education in Agribusiness Defense of MAPA/São Paulo State..
graduation at Medicina Veterinária from Universidade Federal do Paraná (1983), master's at Veterinary Medicine from Universidade de São Paulo (1988) and doctorate at Medicina Veterinária from Escola Superior de Medicina Veterinária de Hannover (1995). Has experience in Veterinary Medicine, focusing on Animal Health (Sanitary Programs), acting on the following subjects: bvdv, bovinos, bovino, ibr/ipv and diagnóstico diferencial.