Publicações no BrCris

Clovis Abrahao Hazin

Possui graduação em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1967), mestrado em Salud Radiologica - Universidad de Puerto Rico (1973), mestrado em Tecnologias Energéticas e Nucleares pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1983), mestrado em Health Physics - Georgia Institute of Technology (1988) e doutorado em Health Physics - Georgia Institute of Technology (1990). É professor aposentado do Departamento de Energia Nuclear da UFPE. Atualmente é Pesquisador Titular do (... more)
bachelor's at Engenharia Elétrica from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1967), master's at Nuclear Engineering from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1983), master's at Salud Radiologica from Universidad de Puerto Rico (1973), master's at Health Physics from Georgia Institute of Technology (1988) and doctorate at Health Physics from Georgia Institute of Technology (1990). Has experience in Nuclear Engineering, focusing on Applications of Radioisotopes, acting on the following subject (... more)

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