Publications in VIVO

Alexander Moreira de Almeida

Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD is Professor of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) School of Medicine and Founder and Director of the Research Center in Spirituality and Health, Brazil. Chair of the Section on Spirituality of the Latin American Psychiatric Association (APAL). Founding chair of the section on spirituality of the Brazilian Psychiatric Association (2014-21). Former chair of the Sections on Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) (2014-21) when coordinated the WPA Position Statement on Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry. He obtained a medical degree at UFJF and trained in psychiatry and cognitive-behavioral therapy at the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where he also obtained his PhD in Health Sciences. Formerly a postdoctoral fellow in religion and health at Duke University. Author of more than 180 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and chapters that received more than 7,900 citations, h index 45 (Google Scholar). More than 550 presentations at academic meetings, including 151 abroad in 18 countries. More than 400 interviews to lay media. Coordination of TV NUPES, a YouTube channel on science, health and spirituality with more than 300 videos and 1,1 mi views in 100 countries. Editor of the book "Spirituality and Mental Health Across Cultures" (Oxford Univ Press, 2021) and coauthor of "Science of Life After Death" (Springer, 2022). His main research interests involve the exploration of the association between religiosity and health as well as empirical studies of spiritual experiences, especially their implication for the mind-brain problem, as well as the methodology, history and epistemology of this research #64257;eld.
Professor Titular de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora-UFJF, fundador e diretor do NUPES (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Espiritualidade e Saúde da UFJF). Coordenador da Seção de Espiritualidade Associação Psiquiátrica da América Latina (APAL). Ex-coordenador da Seção de Espiritualidade da Associação Mundial de Psiquiatria (WPA 2014-20) quando coordenou a elaboração do Position Statement on Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatry da WPA. Fundador e ex-coordenador da Comissão de Estudos e Pesquisa em Espiritualidade e Saúde Mental da Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria (ABP) (2014-21). Coordenador do PTA - Programa de Transtornos Ansiosos do HU-UFJF e da TV NUPES. Possui graduação em Medicina pela UFJF, especialização em Terapia Cognitiva Comportamental, residência e doutorado em Psiquiatria pela USP e pós-doutorado pela Duke University, EUA. Autor de mais de 180 artigos científicos e capítulos, que receberam mais de 7.900 citações (índice h=45). Já realizou mais de 600 apresentações em eventos acadêmicos, sendo 151 em 18 países no exterior. Concedeu mais de 400 entrevistas de divulgação científica para a mídia. Editor do livro "Spirituality and Mental Health Across Cultures" (Oxford Univ Press, 2021) e coautor de " Science of Life After Death" (Springer, 2022). Atuando principalmente na investigação das relações entre saúde e espiritualidade, experiências espirituais e relação mente-cérebro.

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