Dr. Claudia Maria de Almeida graduated in Architecture and Town Planning from the University of Sao Paulo - USP (1989), owns a Masters Degree in Infrastructure Planning from the Centre for Infrastructure Planning, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (1995), accomplished part of her PhD in Remote Sensing at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - University College London, England, UK (2002) as an affiliate researcher and achieved a PhD in Remote Sensing from INPE (2003). She concluded a post-doc program in Spatial Dynamic Modelling at INPE in 2004. She is currently a Senior Researcher - Level III - at INPE, where she coordinates the CITIES Laboratory. She is an Accredited Professor at the Agrarian University La Molina (Peru). She was a Lecturer at the International Space University (ISU) and was an Accredited at UFPR, at USP, at the São Paulo State University Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) and at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). She was also an Invited Professor at the Graduate Programs in Applied Computer Science and in Earth System Science of INPE. She is the present leader of the CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific Research) Research Group entitled 'Systems and Methods for Land Planning and Management' and she was also a member of the CNPq Research Group of the Laboratory for Computer Vision of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). She has been a CNPq and FAPESP ad-hoc consultant since 2005 and also a consultant of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) since 2018. She is a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Remote Sensing at INPE, which owns CAPES (Brazilian National Coordination for the Upgrade of Graduate Personnel) Grade 7 (maximum). She was INPEs Coordinator of the Brazilian Network for Advanced Computer Vision - RVA from SIBRATEC/MCTI (System for Technological Innovation of the Federal Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation), targeted to technological research innovation. She coordinates national and international research projects and is a referee of several national and international conferences and peer-reviewed journals of acknowledged excellence. She served as an Associate Editor for the Brazilian Journal of Cartography (RBC), as a Guest Editor for special issues of IEEE J-STARS, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing (MDPI), and as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Earth-Observations-X (NASA). She is at present an Associate Editor of the ISPRS Journal and of Frontiers in Remote Sensing. She organised several meetings with the participation of renown international experts. She attended Masters and PhD examination boards in a large number of Brazilian universities. She has accomplished the supervision of over 20 works among Masters, PhD and post-doc students. She had awarded papers in conferences, like LBA in 2004 (The 16th Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Science Steering Committee Meeting), SBSR in 2009 (the XIV Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing) and BBEST in 2011 (1st Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference). One of the books organised by her (Geomatics: Environmental Models and Applications) was a finalist in the 50th Jabuti Award (from the Brazilian Book Chamber) in 2008 in the category Best Book of Sciences, Technology, and Informatics. She also had one of her papers in which she stands as the 1st author among the Top 25 Hottest Articles from Computers, Environment and Urban Systems - Elsevier in 2004, 2005, and 2006, besides having another paper as the 1st author as well among the Top 12 Cited Articles from the International Journal of Geographical Information Science - Taylor Francis from 2006 to 2010. Her experience comprises Geoscience, focusing on Remote Sensing, with a particular emphasis on the following subjects: Urban Remote Sensing, Town Planning, Cellular Automata, Urban Modelling, High Resolution Sensors, OBIA, and Geomatics.
possui Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - USP (1989), Mestrado em Infrastructure Planning pelo Centre for Infrastructure Planning, Universität Stuttgart, Alemanha (1995), Doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto - Nível Sanduíche - pelo Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - University College London, Inglaterra (2002) e Doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto - Pleno pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (2003). Realizou Pós-Doutoramento em Modelagem Dinâmica Espacial pelo INPE (2004). Atualmente, é Pesquisador Titular III do INPE, onde coordena o Laboratório CITIES. É Professora Credenciada da Universidad Agraria La Molina (Peru). Foi Docente da International Space University (ISU) e Professora Credenciada da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), da USP (POLI e FFLCH), da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho e da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, além de Professora Convidada dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Computação Aplicada e Ciência do Sistema Terrestre do INPE. Atua como líder do Grupo CNPq Lattes de Pesquisa em Sistemas e Métodos para Planejamento e Gestão Territorial e foi membro do Grupo CNPq Lattes de Pesquisa do Laboratório de Visão Computacional da PUC-RJ. É consultora ad-hoc da FAPESP desde 2005, do CNPq desde 2013 e da US National Science Foundation (NSF) desde 2018. É membro do corpo docente titular do programa de Pós-Graduação em Sensoriamento Remoto do INPE, que possui conceito CAPES 7. Foi Coordenadora pelo INPE da Rede Brasileira de Visualização Avançada - RVA do SIBRATEC/MCTI, voltada à pesquisa e inovação tecnológica. Coordena projetos de pesquisa nacionais e internacionais e atua como revisora de conferências e periódicos nacionais e internacionais de reconhecida excelência. Foi membro do Corpo Editorial da Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, Editora Convidada de números especiais do IEEE JSTARS, do ISPRS Journal e da Remote Sensing (MDPI), membro do Conselho Editorial da Earth-Observations-X (EOX), vinculada à NASA, e atualmente é Editora Associada do ISPRS e do Frontiers in Remote Sensing. Tem organizado eventos com a participação de especialistas internacionais e participado de bancas de defesa de mestrado e doutorado em várias universidades brasileiras. Obteve trabalhos premiados pelo LBA em 2004 (The 16th Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Science Steering Committee Meeting), pelo SBSR em 2009 (XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto) e pelo BBEST em 2011 (1st Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference). Foi finalista no 50. Prêmio Jabuti 2008 na categoria de Melhor Livro de Ciências Exatas, Tecnologia e Informática como uma das organizadoras da obra Geomática: Modelos e Aplicações Ambientais e teve artigo como 1a. autora classificado entre os Top 25 Hottest Articles do Computers, Environment and Urban Systems - Elsevier em 2004, 2005 e 2006, além de outro artigo, também como 1a. autora, entre os Top 12 Cited Articles do International Journal of Geographical Information Science - Taylor Francis no quinquênio de 2006 a 2010. Tem experiência na área de Sensoriamento Remoto aplicado ao Planejamento Urbano e Regional, com ênfase em Técnicas de Previsão e Avaliação Urbana e Regional, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Modelagem Dinâmica Espacial, Modelos de Autômatos Celulares, Sensoriamento Remoto de Alta Resolução Espacial, Análise de Imagens Baseada em Objeto e Geoinformação.