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Jose Francisco Roca Reyes

B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru. In 2011, obtained his M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Brazil, with focus on Oil and Energy. In 2017, started the D.Sc. program in Mechanical Engineering from PUC-Rio, and obtained his degree in 2021. He also holds an MBA in Project Management from IAG PUC-Rio School of Business. Has experience in different research projects, from basic to applied research in O&G industry. The research projects were in the following areas: flow assurance, enhanced oil recovery methods, which included mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of fluids, fluid-structure interaction, two-phase flow, among others. Teaching experience as Professor in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT), in Peru.

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