Gisela Marina Domschke Katz
Artista, curadora e gestora cultural. Doutoranda em humanidades pelo Diversitas, Núcleo de Estudos das Diversidades, das Intolerâncias e dos Conflitos, FFLCH - USP. Possui um MA em Design de Comunicação pela Central Saint Martins College of Arts, University of London (revalidado como Mestrado em Artes Visuais pela UFRJ). Bacharel em Filosofia pela FLCH-USP. Estudou Estética na Sorbonne, Paris IV, e no Collège International de Philosophie. Ex-professora e orientadora do curso Master of Arts em Cultura Digital da Goldsmiths University of London, Londres. Desenvolve projetos de inovação nas áreas de design, cultura e urbanismo através de colaborações freqüentes com instituições internacionais como o British Council, a AHRC, a Fundação Mondriaan, o Het Nieuwe Instituut, o FutureEverything, o Prince Claus Fund, entre eles: Round N Around research project (Citizen Data Lab, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, FAU-USP, Het Nieuwe Instituut and SP TEch Week, 2016), Basement, residency program at Red Bull Station fablab (São Paulo, 2015), LABCEU (SMDU, 2014-2016), LABMOVEL (2012-2014, Menção Honrosa no Prix Ars Electronica 2013, Linz, Austria), Paralelo - Arte, Tecnologia e Ambiente (Brasil / Reino Unido / Holanda, 2009).Trabalhou na Sorrell Foundation juntamente com Sir John Sorrell no projeto Joinupdesignforschools, programa inovador de design no Reino Unido. Colaborou com a primeira edição do London Design Festival, trabalhando na comunicação internacional do festival e do Fórum Mundial de Criação. Ainda em Londres, trabalhou como Diretora de Criação na Euro RSCG, Gray Interactive, Wav Rapp Collins (Omnicom) e Leo Barnett. Em 2008, ao retornar ao Brasil depois de dez anos em Londres, fundou o LabMIS, o laboratório de mídia do Museu Imagem Som, onde gerenciou o programa de residência artística e intercâmbio internacional. Realizou vários cursos de Design e Inovação na FAAP, Escola São Paulo e IED. Em 2014, foi palestrante convidada no programa de design Contemporary Brazilian no Victoria & Albert Museum em Londres, ao lado de Jochen Volz, Kiki Mazzuchelli e outros. No mesmo ano, fundou um programa de mentoria para a agência FlagCX (Grupo Interpublic). Desenvolve também projetos de curadoria, incluindo: Cityscapes (Arco, Madri, 2006), Paralelo ? Arte, Tecnologia e Meio-Ambiente (Brasil/UK/Holanda, 2009), GloNet (Manchester, Vancouver, Sendai, Istambul, São Paulo, 2010), ZERO1 - Bienal de Arte e Tecnologia, (San Jose, CA, 2012), IV Mostra 3M de Arte Digital, Instituto Tomie Ohtake (São Paulo, 2013), Basement, programa de residência criativa da Red Bull Station (São Paulo, 2015), Glory Hole (Galeria Jaqueline Martins, São Paulo 2015 ? 2016), Round N Around (Het Niewe Instituut, Roterdã, Holanda, 2016), Acauã e o fantasma ? Rivane Neuenschwander e José Bezerra (auroras, São Paulo, 2020). É co-fundadora do projeto Labmóvel, plataforma móvel de criação e difusão de arte (Prix Art Electronica 2013, Linz, Austria). Atualmente é diretora do espaço de arte auroras e coordenadora do programa educativo Arte Na Casa.
Designer, curator and cultural manager. PhD Student in humanities at Diversitas, FFLCH-USP. Master in Communication Design from the Central Saint Martins College of Arts, University of London (homologated as Master in Visual Arts by UFRJ). Bachelor in Philosophy at FLCH-USP. Studied Aesthetics at the Sorbonne, Paris IV, and at the Collège International de Philosophie. Former lecturer and adviser of the Master of Arts degree program at Goldsmiths University in London. She develops innovation projects in the areas of design, culture and urbanism through frequent collaborations with international institutions such as the British Council, the AHRC, the Mondriaan Foundation, the Het Nieuwe Instituut, FutureEverything, the Prince Claus Fund, among them: Round N Around Research project (Citizen Data Lab, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, FAU-USP, Het Nieuwe Instituut and SP TEch Week, 2016), Basement, residency program at Red Bull Station fablab (São Paulo, 2015), LABCEU (SMDU, 2016), LABMOVEL (2012-2014, Honorable Mention at Prix Ars Electronica 2013, Linz, Austria), Parallel - Art, Technology and Environment (Brazil / United Kingdom / Holland, 2009). Worked at the Sorrell Foundation along with Sir John Sorrell at Joinupdesignforschools project, an innovative design program in the UK. She collaborated in the first edition of the London Design Festival, working on the international communication of the festival and the World Creation Forum. While in London, she worked as Creative Director at Euro RSCG, Gray Interactive, Wav Rapp Collins (Omnicom) and Leo Barnett, where she was responsible for clients such as HSBC, Absolut, Adidas, Redbull, Nike, Playstation, Diesel, Lego, Heinz, Budweiser, Orange, Peugeot, Guinness, IBM and others. In 2008, returning to Brazil after ten years in London, she founded LabMIS, the media laboratory of the Sound Image Museum, where she managed the program of artistic residency and international exchange. She has held several Design and Innovation courses at FAAP, Escola São Paulo and IED. In 2014, she was a guest speaker on the Contemporary Brazilian design program at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, alongside Jochen Volz, Kiki Mazzuchelli and others. In the same year, she founded a training program at FlagCX (Interpublic Group), involving clients such as Unilever, Google and Samsung. She also develops curatorial projects, including: Glory Hole (Jaqueline Martins Gallery, São Paulo 2015-2016), IV Digital Art Show 3M, Tomie Ohtake Institute (São Paulo, 2013), ZERO1 Biennial of Art and Technology (San Jose, CA, 2012), among others.
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