publicações selecionadas Mesophotic ecosystems at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil (South-western Atlantic), reveal unique ichthyofauna and need for conservation Coralline Hills: high complexity reef habitats on seamount summits of the Vitória-Trindade Chain A retrospective overview of amphibian declines in Brazil's Atlantic Forest Recent dispersal and diversification within the clingfish genus Acyrtus (Actinopterygii: Gobiesocidae), with the description of a new western Atlantic species Fish aggregations and reproductive behaviour on mesophotic coral ecosystems of a southwestern Atlantic Oceanic archipelago An Inverted Management Strategy for the Fishery of Endangered Marine Species Lost and found: Frogs in a biodiversity hotspot rediscovered with environmental DNA Anurans of the Caparaó National Park and surroundings, southeast Brazil Mechanisms of dispersal and establishment drive a stepping stone community assembly on seamounts and oceanic islands New records of fishes for the Vitória-Trindade Chain, southwestern Atlantic