1982: Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil (UFPE / Brasil)1986: Mestrado em Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (Análise do desempenho térmico de tubos de calor contendo R13 - Ciências Térmicas), (UFPE / Brasil)1998: PhD Engenharia Mecânica (Brunel University, Londres, Reino Unido, em mecânica computacional sob supervisão do Prof L. Wrobel, ?Novel boundary integral formulations for slow viscous flow with moving boundaries?De 11/1988 a 13/02/2017 professor da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, com aulas em disciplinas como Termodinâmica Clássica, Refrigeração, Ar condicionado e Energias Renováveis do Mar.2003-6/2007 Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica da UFPE (PPGEM / UFPE)2006 - 2012: Pesquisadora do CNPq/DTI (programa brasileiro de inovação tecnológica).2011-8/2012 Coordenadora do curso de Graduação em Engenharia Naval da UFPE.9/2012-8/2013 Pós doutorado na University of Michigan.2016 Aprovada no concurso para professor titular da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.13/02/2017 Aposentada por invalidez da UFPE através de portaria no D.O.U..Docente do PPGEM/UFPE
1982: Bachelor in Civil Engineer (UFPE/Brazil) 1986: MSc in Nuclear Sciences (Analysis of the thermal performance of heat pipes containing R13 ? Thermal Sciences) (UFPE/Brazil)1998: PhD Mechanical Engineer (Brunel University, London, UK, in computational mechanics (under supervision of Prof. L. Wrobel) Novel boundary integral formulations for slow viscous flow with moving boundaries). Since 1988:associate professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, Department of Mechanical Engineering, giving lectures on Classical Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Maritime Renewable Energy. 2004-2008 Head of the Program of Post-Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from UFPE (PPGEM/UFPE), having led the implementation of the PhD program (2005/2006).2006 ? until now: Researcher of CNPq (Brazilian program for technological innovation).2002- until now: 6 patent deposits on INPI/Brazil through UFPE.2002 until now concluded supervisions: 11 MSc and 3 PhD (thermodynamics evaporative cooling, refrigeration, solar energy) at PPGEM/UFPE.2010-2011 Led the works for implementation of the graduation course in naval engineering.2011 until ago/2012: Coordinator of the graduation course in naval engineering9/2012-8/2013 post doc at the MRELab/University Michigan