membro de Biogeografia e Macroecologia Marinha Grupo de Pesquisa Ecologia do necton marinho e estuarino Grupo de Pesquisa
publicações selecionadas The challenges and opportunities of using small drones to monitor fishing activities in a marine protected area Coralline Hills: high complexity reef habitats on seamount summits of the Vitória-Trindade Chain Recent dispersal and diversification within the clingfish genus Acyrtus (Actinopterygii: Gobiesocidae), with the description of a new western Atlantic species Fish aggregations and reproductive behaviour on mesophotic coral ecosystems of a southwestern Atlantic Oceanic archipelago Mesophotic ecosystems at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil (South-western Atlantic), reveal unique ichthyofauna and need for conservation Niche availability and habitat affinities of the red porgy Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758): an important ecological player on the world's largest rhodolith beds Habitat use of five sympatric predatory reef fishes at a remote island in the south-western Atlantic Fish biodiversity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul-s Archipelago , Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Brazil: new records and a species database Limited human access is linked to higher effectiveness in a marine sanctuary Opportunities to close the gap between science and practice for Marine Protected Areas in Brazil Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays Trends in recreational fisheries and reef fish community structure indicate decline in target species population in an isolated tropical oceanic island Mechanisms of dispersal and establishment drive a stepping stone community assembly on seamounts and oceanic islands An Inverted Management Strategy for the Fishery of Endangered Marine Species Ecological Links between Pelagic and Mesophotic Reef Fishes in an Oceanic Archipelago of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean New records of fishes for the Vitória-Trindade Chain, southwestern Atlantic Global warming assessment suggests the endemic Brazilian kelp beds to be an endangered ecosystem The Great Amazon Reef System: A fact Biogeographic patterns of marine fishes associated with rhodolith beds in the Southwestern Atlantic reveal an ecotone of biodiversity Comparative phylogeography of reef fishes indicates seamounts as stepping stones for dispersal and diversification