Publicações no BrCris

Paulo Yukio Gomes Sumida

I obtained my PhD in 1998 from the University of Southampton (National Oceanography Centre, UK) under the supervision of Profs. Paul Tyler and John Gage and worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Hawaii in 1999-2000 with Prof. Craig Smith. In 2000, I joined the University of São Paulo as an Assistant Professor, later becoming an Associate Professor after obtaining a Habilitation title from the same university. Now, as Full Professor since 2019, I have been teaching several biological oceanography courses and supervising many undergraduate and graduate students. During my career, I have worked on several aspects of the ecology of deep-sea benthic organisms in different ocean basins, such as the North and South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Northeast and Northwest Pacific and Southern Ocean. I participated in over 40 oceanographic cruises and dived in many research submersibles (Alvin, Johnson-Sea-Link, Shinkai 6500, Deep Rover) down to 4200 m depth. I am currently involved in projects dealing with the fauna of reducing environments, deep-water coral reefs and polymetallic nodule and crusts.

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