Efeitos do Transporte de Momentum Convectivo na Distribuição de Chuva Documento uri icon

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  • master thesis


  • At this work was proposed an actualization on convective momentum transport (CMT) of Kain-Fritsch scheme. This actualization is about the insertion of cloud-scale pressure perturbation term in trend momentum equation of Kain-Frisch convective scheme. The aim was improve rain simulations of Eta model. In experiments were used four version of the Kain-Fritsch scheme (KF, KFMX, KFMXP055 e KFMXP07). KF was used like a control version, because theres no CMT process in this version and, therefore, it was used to detect of the role of CMT process on rain distribution. KFMX is the version with original TMC of Kain-Fritsch, that is, it doesnt include the cloud-scale pressure perturbation term in trend momentum equation. KFMXP055 and KFMXP07 are the versions with proposed CMT. The only difference between them is the adjust parameter (C$_{k,l}$) of cloud-scale pressure perturbation term. It was selected three cases of intense precipitation over southeast of Brazil to evaluate the effect of CMT process on rain distribution. The results shows that KFMX was better to represent weak and moderate rain. Strong precipitations were better represented by the schemes with CMT proposed.
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data de publicação

  • 2016-01-01