área de pesquisa
- 5-Azacytidine downregulates the SABATH methyltransferase genes and augments bixin content in Bixa orellana L. leaves
- Allelopathy of Ricinus communis and light spectrum variation decrease emergence and growth of Cyperus rotundus
- Antonio Pompeiano
- Asad Ullah khan
- Caracterización morfoanatómica de semillas de anón (Annona squamosa L.) y evaluación de algunos parámetros fisiológicos del proceso de germinación y latencia
- Cecílio Frois Caldeira Júnior
- Coffee plants respond to drought and elevated [CO2] through changes in stomatal function, plant hydraulic conductance, and aquaporin expression
- Comprehensive analysis of the GALACTINOL SYNTHASE (GolS) gene family in citrus and the function of CsGolS6 in stress tolerance.
- Embriogênese zigótica e somática em Araucaria angustifolia (BERT) O. Kuntze: Parâmetros celulares e bioquímicos associados
- Eva-María Díaz Peña
- Fabio Ernesto Martinez Maldonado
- Francine Lunardi Farias Soares
- Gas exchange, photochemical efficiency, and yield of Jatropha curcas irrigated with saline water
- Giovanna Salbitani
- High abscisic acid and low root hydraulic conductivity may explain low leaf hydration in `Mandarin? lime exposed to aluminum
- Leaf metabolic profiles of two soybean genotypes differentially affect the survival and the digestibility of Anticarsia gemmatalis caterpillars
- Leaf stage as a defoliation criterion for the production of high-vigour annual ryegrass seeds
- Morphoanotomical aspects of auxin herbicides-induced somatic embryogenesis in Euterpe edulis Martius, a symbol and threatened species of the Atlantic Forest
- ORGANOGÊNESE INDIRETA EM Eucalyptus benthamii x Eucalyptus dunnii E TRANSFORMAÇÃO GENÉTICA DE Eucalyptus saligna E Nicotiana tabacum
- Physiological approach to decipher the drought tolerance of a soybean genotype from Brazilian savana
- Physiological, epigenetic, and proteomic responses in Pfaffia glomerata growth in vitro under salt stress and 5-azacytidine
- Plant growth-promoting bacteria improve leaf antioxidant metabolism of drought-stressed Neotropical trees
- Reserve mobilization and in vitro germination of Euterpe edulis (Martius) seeds at different maturation stages
- Responses of Solanum tuberosum L. to Water Deficit by Matric or Osmotic Induction
- Silicon seed priming attenuates cadmium toxicity in lettuce seedlings
- The hidden half comes into the spotlight: Peeking inside the black box of root developmental phases
- Water restriction in cowpea plants [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]: Metabolic changes and tolerance induction