área de pesquisa
- (Keynote) The Versatility of TiO Nanotubes As Platform to Construct Photocathode or Photoanode for Clean Energy Production
- Anti-biofilm activity and in vitro biocompatibility of copper surface prepared by cold gas spray
- Arjunan Ananthi
- Assessment of Charge Transport Through Barrier Membranes Before Application on Materials Surfaces
- Biobased self-healing polyurethane coating with Zn micro-flakes for corrosion protection of AA7475
- Carbon foam composites based on expanded graphite for electrochemical application
- Charge Storage in Graphene Oxide: Impact of the Cation on Ion Permeability and Interfacial Capacitance
- Corrosion Protection of Steel by Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors: Vapor Analysis by Gas-Diffusion Microextraction and Mass Loss and Electrochemical Impedance in NaCl Deliquescence Tests
- Desenvolvimento de biossensor para detecção de nematoides parasitas de plantas
- Determinação de Testosterona em amostras de urina sintética utilizando um eletrodo de ouro de baixo custo modificado com polianilina e nanopartículas de outro
- Effect of the Outer Layer of Al Coatings Deposited by Cold Gas Spray on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of the AA 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy
- Efficient recycling of Co3O4 from spent lithium-ion batteries and its application as an electrochemical sensor and photocatalyst
- Electrochemical behaviour of 22MnB5 steel coated with hot-dip Al-Si before and after hot-stamping process investigated by means of scanning Kelvin probe microscopy
- Environmentally friendly recycling of spent Ni-MH battery anodes and electrochemical characterization of nickel and rare earth oxides obtained by sol-gel synthesis
- Galvanic and asymmetry effects on the local electrochemical behavior of the 2098-T351 alloy welded by Friction Stir Welding (FSW)
- Green and sustainable recycling of MnCo2O4/Mn3O4/Li(Mn0.75Ni0.25)2O4 mixed oxide from of spent Li-ion and Zn-MnO2 batteries and evaluation of its photocatalytic properties
- How microstructure affects localized corrosion resistance of stir zone of the AA2198-T8 alloy after friction stir welding
- Hydroxychloroquine sulfate photo- and photo-electro-oxidation: a comparative study of different electrode materials
- Interfacial capacitance of graphene oxide films electrodes: Fundamental studies on electrolytes interface aiming (bio)sensing applications
- Microstructural, Electrochemical and Localized Corrosion Characterization of the AA2198-T851 Alloy
- Monitoring of the interaction of calcium phosphate cement and lidocaine hydrochloride by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy during the drug release process
- Novel healing coatings based on natural-derived polyurethane modified with tannins for corrosion protection of AA2024-T3
- On the local corrosion behavior of coupled welded zones of the 2098-T351 Al-Cu-Li alloy produced by Friction Stir Welding (FSW): An amperometric and potentiometric microelectrochemical investigation.
- Recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries as a sustainable solution to obtain raw materials for different applications
- Relation between the nature of the surface facets and the reactivity of Cu2O nanostructures anchored on TiO2NT@PDA electrodes in the photoelectrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to methanol
- Relação entre nanomorfologia e reatividade de eletrodos não-enzimaticos modificados para a determinação de analitos de interesse biológico
- Removing phorbol esters from the biomass to add extra value to the byproduct from deoiling seeds of Jatropha curcas in the biodiesel industry
- Selectivity in the Chlorate Process: Hydrogen Evolution and Hypochlorite Reduction on Chromium Oxide/Hydroxide
- Silver Inkjet-Printed Electrode on Paper for Electrochemical Sensing of Paraquat
- Structure, properties, and electrochemical sensing applications of graphene¿based materials
- The Electronic Origin of the Zeta Potential is Supported by the Redox Mechanism on an Aqueous Dispersion of Exfoliated Graphite