Pesquisadora do Centro de Síntese USP Cidades Globais do Instituto de Estudos Avançados ? USP. Pós Doutora em Cidades Globais pela USP. Doutora em Ciências pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP. Mestre em Saúde Pública pela USP. Especialista em Direito Ambiental pela Faculdade de Direito e Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP. Graduada em Direito. Professora da UNINOVE do Mestrado Acadêmico em Cidades Inteligentes e Sustentáveis - PPGCIS. Professora de ESG e Direito Ambiental da FGVLAW. Autora dos livros Cidades Inteligentes e Sustentáveis e Mudanças Climáticas: do global ao local. Atividades de extensão universitária com mais de 340.000 visualizações via YouTube e Central do Aluno da Uninove. Pesquisa nas áreas de Cidades resilientes e sustentáveis; Cidades Inteligentes; Planejamento Urbano e Regional; Direito Ambiental; Mudanças Climáticas.
Researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies - Global Cities Program. Post doctorate in Global Cities. PhD in Sciences from the Faculty of Public Health of University of São Paulo. Master in Public Health from USP. Specialist in Environmental Law from the Faculty of Law and
Faculty of Public Health of USP. Graduated in Law from UniFMU. Professor of UNINOVE of the Graduate Program in Smart and Sustainable Cities - PPGCIS. Professor of ESG and Environmental Law at FGVLAW. Author of the books Smart and Sustainable Cities; and Climate Change: from global to local. University extension activities with more than 340,000 views via YouTube and Uninove Student Central. Research in the areas of Resilient and Sustainable Cities; Smart cities; Urban and Regional Planning; Environmental Law; Sustainability Management, Climate Change.
Researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies - Global Cities Program. PhD in Sciences from the Faculty of Public Health of University of São Paulo. Master in Public Health from USP. Specialist in Environmental Law from the Faculty of Law and
Faculty of Public Health of USP. Graduated in Law from UniFMU. Professor of UNINOVE of the Graduate Program in Smart and Sustainable Cities - PPGCIS. Professor of FGVLAW. Author of the books Smart and Sustainable Cities; and Climate Change: from global to local. University extension activities with more than 340,000 views via YouTube and Uninove Student Central. Research in the areas of Smart and Sustainable Cities; Urban and Regional Planning; Environmental Law; Sustainability Management, Climate Change.