I got my Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in June 1999. That same year, I received a International Exchange Scholarship from the UAM, in order to study for one year in Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs (New York. USA).In 2002, I was admitted in the Institute of History, part of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), as a PhD researcher ascribed to its Department of History of Science. That same year, I received a FPU grant (Formación de Profesorado Universitario)from the Spanish government, from January 2002 to December 2005.During this period as a Doctoral Researcher, I had the opportunity to make different research stays in different highly recognised International Research Centers, such as the Florence Anthropological Institute of the Florence University (Italy); the Lisbon Natural HistoryMuseum Museu Bocage- (Portugal); and the Centre Alexandre Koyré, CNRS, in Paris (France).In 2006, I obtained my PhD. degree in Biology at the UAM, with a Doctoral Dissertation entitled Biological theories about the Origin of Human Races (1859-1900). Elements for an anthropological critique of Techno-scientific rationality, which received a Cum Laude Distinction by the Thesis Committee. In 2007, I published my first book, La razón salvaje: Tecnociencia, Racismo y Racionalidad (Madrid: Lengua de Trapo) , which received the Spanish National Book Award for the best Essay Premio de Ensayo Caja de Madrid.Also in 2007, I received an AECID scholarship for scientific cooperation between Spain and Brazil, and I begun to work as a Post-doctoral Fellow Researcher in the History, Philosophy and Biology Teaching Laboratory (LEFHBIO), directed by Dr. Charbel N. El-Hani at the Institute of Biology, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil. Since that moment, my research in Brazil have rendered numerous papers focused on the history of Science in highly recognised Spanish, Brazilian and international scientific journals. I have also presented mywork in different international scientific congresses.In March 2010, I was hired by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) as a Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of History (IH-CSIC), where I worked as a member of the Consolider Research Project Malaspina 2010. In 2012 I received a DCR FAPESB/CNPq scholarhip to work on a competitive project as an Visiting Fellow Researcher to the LEFHBIO (Institute of Biology, UFBA, Brazil). That same year, I became a Permanent Professor to the Postgraduate Program in History and Philosophy of Science and Science Education (PPGEFHC-UFBA/UEFS), acting since them as academic supervisor of several PhD and MSc. researchers.Since February 2014, after winning a civil servant position with the Brazilian government in a competitive examination to become a university professor at the Federal University of Bahia- (UFBA), I work as a Full Professor (Tenure Track Position) at the Institute of Arts,Humanities and Sciences ( IHAC) of that University, where I teach different disciplines, both at the graduate and postgraduate level.Since 2020 I am the Leader of the Research Group "'HISNAIBA" (História do Naturalismo no âmbito Iberoamericano), whose researches focus on the history of naturalism and the natural sciences on the Ibero-American context, from the colonial period to the contemporary era.Since 2022 I am the Chief of the Colegiate body of Science and Technology Interdisciplinary Studies at the IHAC-UFBA.Along my academic career, my research have focused on the History of scientific discourses on race/human diversity, with an special emphases in Ibero-America, particularly in Brazil. I have published papers in high impact scientific journals in the field of the Historyof Science such as Journal of the History of Biology, Manguinhos, Revista de Indias, Asclepio, Theoria, Revista Brasileira de História, Nuncius, Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência, Magis, Science and Education, etc.
graduation at Licenciatura em Biologia from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1999), master's at Suficiencia Investigadora-Doctorado en biología evolutiva y biodiversidad from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2003) and doctorate at Ciências Biológicas from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2006). Has experience in Education, acting on the following subjects: educação das relações étnico-raciais, blancura, estética, alejandro malaspina and ilustración.