Publications in VIVO

Adla Betsaida Martins Teixeira

PhD at the University of London, Institute of Education (1998 - Dep. Culture, Communication and Societies); Master Degree at University of London in Comparative Education (focus on Teachers' professional development), Graduation in Pedagogy Course at the Instituto de Educação do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil (1990). Research interest: Gênero & Education; Developments of Methodologies and Technics of Teaching and organizational changes to promote girls' interest and access to STEAM areas, as well as, a promotion of scientific thought. 2008-09 - Pos-doc at University of Leeds, Uk in Education and Human Rights (teachers' education) and at University de Lyon, France on access of STEAM areas for girls (2008-09); 2017-18 - Post-doctorate at Stanford University (California, USA) and Georgia State University (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) on Comparative Education (Campus gender violence) and Project Prevent (at Georgia State University) on low income afros-descendent girls and sexual exploitation - School Intervention); Research projects and supervision of M.A and PhD studies under my supervision (formal and non-formal areas of learning). Areas covered: Violence against women and local Police officers' education and methodologies of intervention; Medicalization of women victim of domestic violence and local health support groups; Educative action on Dengue Diseases and Promotion of Girls Interest on Science and development of Scientific Thoughts; Homosexual male experiences of students in Public High Education Schools; Homosexual students' experiences at Elite University Courses: Medical and Law Schools; Discrimination against women in University Courses; Women at Manager posts at the Universities in Brazil; Women in Physic Courses; Rural Women (small plantation families owners) and access to University education; Gender Discrimination at State School of Police officers in Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 2014, our research group received from UN two prizes on the recognition of quality actions to promote local human development (Observatory of the Development for the Millennium - ODM), specifically on the promotion of girls' interest in science and development of scientific thought, promoting individual and collective responsibility on health issues such as Dengue, STD, among others. Our methodology has being based on students? active protagonists in the production of para-didactic materials and as multipliers of knowledge and change of behaviors in their communities. More recently, I am involved in a post-doc as a researcher in the project called PREVENT. - a project developed in Atlanta/Georgia USA with black low-income girls victims of sexual exploitation in the area of Atlanta Airport - school's identification and intervention facing such crimes and using education as a tool to empower these girls. School Lead Coordinator of A cluster-randomized trial to Evaluate the efficacy of Wolbachia-Infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in reducing the incidence of Arboviral infection in Brazil (Evitar Dengue) - DMID Protocol Number: 17-0111. Married with Mauro M. Teixeira, university teacher and mother of two kids. They are at the university: a Girl in medical school (Milan, Italy) and a boy in engennering of production at UFMG/Brazil.
Possui graduação em Pedagogia pelo Instituto de Educação de Minas Gerais (1990), mestrado em International And Comparative Education - University of London (1994) e doutorado em Culture Communication And Societies - University of London (1998). Atualmente é professor associado da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: formação docente, gênero e educação, educação e gênero, gênero, acesso conhecimento e direitos humanos e saúde coletiva e educação. Mae de dois filhos, ambos cursando o ensino superior: medicina em Mila (Humanitas University) e engenharia de produçao na UFMG. Casada com professor universitario Mauro M. Teixeira.

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