Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva
He began his work as Professor in the Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EPUSP) in 1998. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2003 and Professor in 2005. He is currently a researcher of CNPq 1A level. He obtained Bachelor and master degree in Mechanical Engineering from EPUSP in 1990 and 1993, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA, in 1998. During his Ph.D., he received two awards: Distinguished Achievement Award and Ivor K. McIvor Award. The first award is given in recognition of excellence and academic staff, and the latter in recognition of performance in research. He specializes in Computational Mechanics, particularly in the application of finite element and topology optimization methods in smart structures and materials, such as piezoelectric actuators and sensors, piezocomposite materials (including functional gradient materials - FGM), energy harvesting devices, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and flow machines. He has published articles in international journals with a selective editorial policy and book chapters, given lectures at universities and foreign and domestic companies. Citations of published articles result in an H factor equal to 30. He has acted as a reviewer for national and international journals and conferences and as an ad hoc consultant for national development agencies such as FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES and international agencies such as ERC (Europe), DFG (Germany), ISF (Israel), NRF (South Africa) and NSF (USA). He participated as a panelist in the "Panel of Experts for Proposals" in the "Mechanics of Materials (MoM-X) 2010" of the NSF program, USA, and was a voting member in the "Frontier Ideas meeting panel" to decide potential topics for the announcement of " Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI-2011)", USA. In the last ten years, the author has organized or co-organized Mini-Symposia (MS) at the international conferences WCCM 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022, USNCCM 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021, IFAC 2022, ENGOPT 2014, TopWebinar 2021, FGM 2022, in the Ibero-Latin American congresses CILAMCE 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, and in the national symposium "USP conferences on Engineering 2012". The author belonged to the ?International Scientific Committee? of the international confs. FGM 2012 and 2016, ENGOPT 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018, WCCM 2012. He was a member of the ?International Papers Committee (IPC)? at ?WCSMO-10? in 2013. From 2006 to 2009, he was a member of the ?Program Committee? of the conference ?Modelling, Signal Processing, and Control - SPIE (Smart Structures and Materials)?. The author was a "plenary speaker" at the international confs. MM&FGM 2006, WCSMO 2013, 3rd EMI 2017, at the Ibero-Latin-American conferences CILAMCE 2006, VIII CIMM 2017, CILAMCE 2022, and MecSol 2013. He was also a "semi-plenary speaker" at the international confs. WCCM 2012 and 2022. In addition, he gave "keynote lectures" at the international conferences 6th ICCSS 2008, USNCCM 2009, MM&FGM 2012, WCCM 2014 and USNCCM 2015 and at the Ibero-Latin-American CILAMCE 2015. Member of the ?International Advisory Committee of FGM ? IACFGM?. He was the "Chair" of the congress "MM&FGM2014" (http://mmfgm2014.org), held in Atibaia, SP, Brazil, in October 2014. He is a member of the "Editorial board" of the journals "Mechanics Research Communications" and "International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics", ?International Journal of Computational Engineering Science and Mechanics? acts as "review editor" in the journal "Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization" and is chief editor of the journal "Polytechnica". Finally, in 2020 and 2021, he was cited in the list of the 100,000 most influential scientists in the world, according to a publication by the Journal Plos Biology, from Stanford University (USA).
Iniciou sua atuação como Professor Doutor no Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica e de Sistemas Mecânicos na Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) em 1998. Foi promovido a Professor Associado em 2003 e Professor Titular em 2005. Atualmente é pesquisador do CNPq nível 1A. Obteve os títulos de bacharel e mestre em Engenharia Mecânica pela EPUSP em 1990 e 1993, respectivamente, e o título de Ph.D. em Engenharia Mecânica pela The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor´´, EUA, em 1998. Durante seu doutorado, recebeu dois prêmios: Distinguished Achievement Award´´ e Ivor K. McIvor Award´´. O primeiro prêmio é concedido em reconhecimento à excelência pessoal e acadêmica, e o segundo em reconhecimento ao desempenho na pesquisa. É especialista em Mecânica Computacional, principalmente na aplicação dos métodos de otimização topológica e elementos finitos em materiais e estruturas inteligentes, como sensores e atuadores piezelétricos, materiais piezocompostos (incluindo materiais com gradação funcional (MGF), dispositivos coletores de energia, sistemas microeletromecânicos (MEMS´´) e máquinas de fluxo. Tem publicado artigos em periódicos internacionais de seletiva política editorial e capítulo de livros, ministrado palestras em universidades e empresas estrangeiras e nacionais. As citações dos artigos publicados resultam num fator H igual a 30. Tem atuado como revisor de periódicos e conferências nacionais e internacionais e como consultor ad hoc de órgãos de fomento nacionais como FAPESP, CNPq e CAPES e agências internacionais como ERC (Europa), DFG (Alemanha), ISF (Israel), NRF (Africa do Sul) e NSF (EUA). Participou como panelista no "Panel of Experts for Proposals" na "Mechanics of Materials (MoM-X) 2010" do programa do NSF, EUA, e foi membro votante na "Frontier Ideas meeting panel" para decidir tópicos potenciais para o anúncio das "Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI-2011)", EUA. Nos últimos dez anos, o autor organizou ou coorganizou Mini-Simpósios (MS) nas conferências internacionais WCCM 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 e 2022, USNCCM 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 e 2021, IFAC 2022 , ENGOPT 2014, TopWebinar 2021, FGM 2022, nos congressos Ibero-Latino Americanos CILAMCE 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 e 2021, e no simpósio nacional "USP conferences on Engineering 2012". O autor pertenceu ao ?International Scientific Committee? dos congressos internacionais FGM 2012 e 2016, ENGOPT 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 e 2018, WCCM 2012. Foi membro do ?International Papers Committee (IPC)? no ?WCSMO-10? em 2013. De 2006 a 2009, integrou o ?program Committee? da conferência ?Modelling, Signal Processing, and Control - SPIE ( Smart Structures and Materials)?. O autor foi "plenary speaker" nas conferências internacionais MM&FGM 2006, WCSMO 2013, 3rd EMI 2017, nas conferências Ibero-Latino-Americanas CILAMCE 2006, VIII CIMM 2017, CILAMCE 2022, e nas conferências nacionais "USP conferences on Engineering 2012" e MecSol 2013. Ele também foi "semi-plenary speaker" nas conferências internacionais WCCM 2012 e 2022. Além disso, ministrou "keynote lectures" nas conferências internacionais 6th ICCSS 2008, USNCCM 2009, MM&FGM 2012, WCCM 2014 e USNCCM 2015 e na conferência Ibero-Latino-Americana CILAMCE 2015. É membro do ?International Advisory Committee of FGM ? IACFGM?. Foi o ?Chair? do congresso ?MM&FGM2014? (http://mmfgm2014.org), realizado em Atibaia, SP, Brasil, em outubro de 2014. É membro do "Editorial board" dos periódicos "Mechanics Research Communications" e "International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics", ?International Journal of Computational Engineering Science and Mechanics? atua como "review editor" no periódico "Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization" e é editor chefe do periódico "Polytechnica". Por fim, em 2020 e 2021, foi citado na lista dos 100 mil cientistas mais influentes do mundo, segundo publicação do Journal Plos Biology, da Universidade de Stanford (EUA).
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